Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break.. aka babymoon

I love that in and through this simple, silly blog.. I can worship God.  I am really eager to share about our trip to Cancun.  Not because it was a crazy trip with crazy stories, but because God gave Reed and I gave us a sweet gift!  And I want to share how loving our God is!

Reed and I both enjoy traveling!  We love adventures, people, culture, and mostly food.  :)  We decided we wanted to go some where fun before we have this new addition to our family.  In January, we started planning and doing some research into where we would want to go.  I really wanted to go some place tropical and relaxing!  :)  We looked into Costa Rica, Dominican, and different places in Mexico.  We decided on Cancun, due to the inexpensive flight costs and good deal on a resort we found online. 

We booked our tickets, room, and updated our passports.  We also checked with the doctor, since I would be 29 weeks pregnant.  He is a very laid back guy, who of course said, "Sounds like a good idea."  Our parents and friends were a little bit more concerned.. fearful I would have a "Mexican" baby.  (Fearful not because of the nationality, but the risks of being far away)

We left last week for our 4 night, 5 day stay in the lovely Caribbean.  Ahh.. it was nice!  We stayed at an all-inclusive resort, so we spent most of our time there.  One afternoon, we did travel to some shopping malls. 

Other than that, most of our time was spent sitting on the beach, under a hut.. reading, drinking, sleeping, in my case peeing, dipping in the pool, dipping our feet in the ocean, and people watching.  It was hard to pass up on all the yummy alcohol drinks, but I had my fare share of virgin strawberry daiquiris and occasional Mickey Mouse drink (fruit juices).  Reed, however, took full advantage of the all inclusive drinks.  :) 

Our resort was a mixed bag of people.  Families, cute old people, and plenty of "Spring Breakers" from different colleges.  Reed and I love to meet people, but we kept to ourselves most of the time.  We are really into each other.  :) 

Baby girl loved Cancun.  She is a super active baby, and we got to see her moving around a lot due to the bathing suit.  And yes.. I did rock a 2 piece.  I tried a tank-ini, but it was too much fabric.  I did research before hand, and purchased paraben free and natural sun-screen.  I used plenty of it and also wore a cover up, to protect the belly from getting burned. Also, thanks to Jenn Snow's maternity wardrobe, I had lots of cute sun dresses to wear in the evening.

All in all, we are super thankful God gave us the opportunity to get away before we enter a new, crazy season of life.  


  1. Favorite part of this post "Reed, however, took full advantage of the all inclusive drinks." But seriously, so glad is was restful for you guys! And you rocked that 2 piece!

  2. You are GORGEOUS in that 2 piece!! i LOVE it! (:

  3. I can't believe I got a shout out :) Yall were so smart to do this. I'm so glad you had that time!

  4. Hahahaha thanks for throwing the comment in about the sunscreen...I think after hearing that OUTRAGEOUS story I told you I was just scared for life thinking about that. SB2K12 is a nice touch:)
